Do Henna Dyes Come in Red Blue Green Yellow and White for Doing Tattoo
HENNA tattoos are increasingly popular with children and teenagers - especially with the summer holidays in full flow.
Here's everything you need to know about the ever-growing trend, whether schools allow them and whether or not they are safe...
What are henna tattoos?
Henna is a type of dye, from the Egyptian privet or henna tree.
The name henna is also used to refer to a form of temporary body art based on staining with those dyes.
It has been used to dye skin, hair and fingernails - as well as fabrics - since the Ancient Egyptian times.
Henna tattoos are often applied during religious celebrations - such as weddings and holy days.
It's important to distinguish between the usually safe, age-old orange natural henna, and the dangerous new black henna.
However, the word henna is now often used to describe both types, including black or "neutral" henna - which is made from chemicals rather than occurring naturally.
Are black henna tattoos safe?
Black henna tattoos have become fashionable as a temporary, but realistic looking, form of body art.
They are readily available abroad and are sometimes offered in the UK at festivals and fairs.
However, the NHS warns these tattoos can contain high levels of toxic chemical dye, which it is normally illegal to use on the skin.
The paste contains an ingredient called paraphenylenediamine (PPD). In the EU, this chemcial can legally be used in hair dyes - but not for tattoos.
Dr Chris Flower, director general of the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Association, explained: "When applied to the skin in the form of a black henna temporary tattoo, PPD can cause chemical burns and lead to allergic reactions."
In extreme cases, black henna tattoos can lead to swelling, blistering and permanent scarring of the skin.
Black henna tattoos can also increase sensitivity to PPD, meaning you could have a serious allergic reaction to legal hair dyes.
A British mum recently warned parents to steer clear of the tattoos after her seven-year-old son had a terrible reaction to the temporary ink.
Atomic Kitten singer Natasha Hamilton's six-year-old daughter, 22-year-old Sophie Akis and school girl Teigan Koorts all suffered serious allergic reactions from henna tattoos.
While British woman Julie McCabe, 38, died in 2012 after suffering an awful allergic reaction to a L'Oreal hair dye she had safely used before.
In her inquest, it was ruled that a black henna tattoo Julie got in 2007 increased her reaction to hair dye.
If you've ever had a henna tattoo in the past, take extra caution and do patch tests before dying your hair.
Real henna, which is safe to use, is an orange colour - often with a red or brown tint to it.
"Real henna is never black, but is orange-brown," Dr Chris added. "Any very dark temporary tattoo should be treated with caution."
Are henna tattoos allowed in school?
Schools set their own individual uniform policies, which henna tattoos could be in violation of.
Henna tattoos applied for religious reasons may be treated differently to those chosen for fashion reasons.
To be safe, only get the orange, natural henna "tattoos" in places which are easily hidden under your child's school uniform.
And buck the trend completely when it comes to black henna tattoos, which aren't worth the risk of a reaction.
How can you remove henna tattoos?
There are a number of ways to speed up the removal of your henna tattoos.
- Rub with a loofah during your daily shower.
- Put a cotton pad, soaked in saltwater, on the tattoo. Apply two to three times a day, for around 20 minutes.
- Scrub the tattoo with a mixture of soap, lemon juice and baking soda.
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